6 Things to Know About Speeding Tickets and How It Affects Your Insurance
According to recent statistics, approximately 34 million speeding tickets are issued in the United States each year. Getting pulled over for speeding is not something anyone wishes for. But the reality is that most adult drivers will be pulled over for speeding at least once in their lifetime.
When you are issued a speeding ticket, lots of questions and emotions run through your mind. What happens when you get your first speeding ticket? Do speeding tickets affect insurance? Most drivers are curious when they get their first speeding ticket, and we will explain some of the most important things they need to know right here:
Like Other Moving Violations, Speeding Tickets Attract Fines
Over speeding is considered a moving violation, which refers to an offense that takes place when the vehicle is moving. In addition to speeding, failure to use your turn signal and failure to yield are moving violations. You can receive traffic tickets for any of these offenses. You will then pay the fines they attract or contest it in court.
Speeding Tickets Will Affect Your Insurance Rate
The fine you will have to pay is never the only repercussion. Exceeding the speed limit on any road is a traffic offense that endangers your life and the lives of other road users. It will attract a speeding ticket when you are caught, and this will certainly go into your driving record. Now, insurance companies use your driving record to determine your risks of having an accident or making an insurance claim. This means that speeding tickets will certainly drive up your insurance rate.
The Faster You Are Going When Pulled Over, The Higher the Increase in Insurance Rates
Some drivers make the mistake of thinking that all driving tickets affect insurance rates the same way. This is not the truth. For drivers traveling at 30 or more miles per mile over the speed limit, the increase in insurance rates can go as high as 15%. For those moving at less than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, the insurance rate increase will average 11%.
Speeding Tickets May Stay On Your Record for a While
Speeding tickets don’t just disappear when you pay your fine. They normally stay on your driving record for a while. How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record? It normally depends on where you live. On average, you can expect it to last between 3 and 5 years.
Parking Tickets Don’t Necessarily Raise Your Insurance Rate
Do parking tickets affect your insurance? Not really. Parking tickets are not moving violations but also attract fines. When you pay your fines, parking tickets will go away. Problems can only arise when you don’t pay your fines. Your license or registration may be suspended or canceled. When you drive with such restricted license or registration, you risk getting a ticket that will go into your records and force the insurance rate up.
You Can Take Steps to Reduce Insurance Premiums After
While speeding tickets and other kinds of moving violations will certainly go into your driving records and bring other consequences, there are few things you can do to reduce insurance premium afterward. You can focus on safe driving, shop around for new coverage, or take a safe driving course.
It is always better to avoid speeding tickets and all the troubles that can come with it. If you feel you are wrongly treated, you can contest the case. Cameras do make errors, and a speeding ticket lawyer will know how to fight the case. If you know you are wrong, do not contest. Pay your fine and consider the few options on how to reduce your insurance premium after a speeding ticket.
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